Over the past two decades, processes of exclusion and necropolitical governance have intensified. This interview highlights the impact of global political shifts on twenty-first century revolutionary activism...
Set in a sand-swept Gulf city, Yellow Bus follows an Indian mother’s relentless pursuit of justice against an oppressive neoliberal system. This debut film captivates with its emotional depth a woman's fight for accountability...
It is up to us to create our own mythology, identify with our heroines, and celebrate our saints. Qandisha's story is shaped by how we choose to portray her...
Millions of influencers are facing working conditions marked by uncertainty, irregular pay, fluctuating follower counts, and compromised mental health...
Syrian writer Rasha Abbas and Palestinian artist Muhammad Jabali, in conversation with Diana Abbani, discuss the evolving dynamics and narratives shaping Berlin, a city once envisioned as an Arab...
Let’s turn a moment of potential despair into an exercise of love. What many white queer feminists lack in solidarity with Palestine here in Germany is Love for everyone...
Urbanization in Palestine, much like in the US, still relies on patterns of dispossession and violence against indigenous communities, as it is argued in Hugill's book "Settler Colonial City."...
The total failure of Western media covering Gaza is another symptom of the crisis of so-called Western democracies, with dire consequences for all of us...
Starvation during war is used by some countries to clear out their storage facilities filled with expired food; an opportune moment to help, humiliate and disrespect suffering people – all...
A response to the call of physicians Ghassan Abu Sitta and Rupa Marya to rehumanize Palestinians by reimagining healing, life, and liberation of both bodies and minds...
Intimate encounters with a few plants and people along a pilgrimage route. What visions of an alternative future appear through these encounters and how can we renew the ways we relate to and inhabit...
What changes when we walk in different cultural and political contexts? Which (un)privilege do certain bodies have to walk and wander? Dina Mohamed departs from her own embodied experience to explore...
Walking through an other, how could we access imaginary and real landscapes of memory, grief and desire? The writer follows her embodied memory and that of the landscape. Where does trauma reside? And...
A very delicate and intimate ritual, where the author sheds off his multiple bodies, mourns his multiple deaths and welcomes his rebirth as a pine tree...
A walk along paths interwoven between inner landscapes of grief and the outer natural landscapes of transformation, in the village the writer has taken refuge in due to the economic and political...
Much remains untold when it comes to grief, and much feels unheard as we walk and connect to everything by our side. This dossier reflects on the practice of walking through the writing of six artists...
The city’s cultural policies commodify artistic expression and manipulate diversity, perpetuating power imbalances and constrains genuine cultural innovation...
Set in a sand-swept Gulf city, Yellow Bus follows an Indian mother’s relentless pursuit of justice against an oppressive neoliberal system. This debut film captivates with its emotional depth a...
Millions of influencers are facing working conditions marked by uncertainty, irregular pay, fluctuating follower counts, and compromised mental health...
Recent unmasking of influence operations revealed, once again, the extent of the efforts by the Israeli state in trying to win the hearts and minds of key audiences...
Spatial distribution of green space in the Iraqi capital is very limited to some areas and not all the citizens can enjoy its well-being, a research study highlighted...