About Us

A bilingual online magazine run by a transnational editorial team and hosting critical debates about local, regional, and global issues that characterize our interconnected world.

Launched in the summer of 2023, UntoldMag is a collective initiative, born out of a group of colleagues and friends. We make available knowledge developed by scholars and experts alongside knowledge developed by those whose voices are often excluded and opinions dismissed for lack of credentials.

Our ambition is to decentralize the production of knowledge and to promote multi-centered and Global South-based perspectives to challenge the hegemony of a unilateral knowledge production stemming from the Global North. 

UntoldMag is an editorial project of UntoldStories, which also runs its sister platforms SyriaUntold and Mena Art Gallery.

Our editorial team (in alphabetical order):

Diana Abbani 

Marta Bellingreri 

Rasha Chatta 

Enrico De Angelis 

Walid El Houri 

Himmat Zoubi

Our network: Yazan Badran, Firoozeh Farvadin, Gennaro Gervasio, Lamia Moghnieh, Nader Talebi, Andrea Teti, Fayrouz Yousfi.